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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be treated very quickly if you work with the right person. Depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, OCD, addictions and substance abuse are often powered by hidden traumas. Since the first World War, psychologists and psychiatrists have been trying to treat PTSD in a myriad of frightening ways:

Having sufferers relive the trauma again and again, making the symptoms worse.

Using stress debriefing to deal with traumatic experiences in the line of duty.

Inducing diabetic comas via insulin injection.

Using anti-anxiety or anti-depression drugs

So what treatment does work ?

First ask. What exactly is happening when someone has a traumatic flashback? Why does a soldier who has been in a war zone freak out when walking down the street and a car backfires. Why does he instantly feel as if he’s back in the front line?, Why does he reacts as if a bomb has just gone off? . He knows he’s on a normal street, so what is going on? It’s as if he never took off his combats

His brain has ‘pattern matched’ the backfire to being similar to the sound of gunfire or explosions and triggered the ‘fight or flight’ response in him. He is flooded with adrenaline and his overwhelming instinct is to run.

In his brain there is what we call a ‘global pattern’ for loud bangs, created by the focusing effect of the terror he experienced in battle. This is very different to the pattern you and I have for it, which will make us jump but once our brain figures out what caused the bang, it steps down the alert procedure.

This global pattern in the ex-soldier’s brain has no context to it (it doesn’t matter where he is when the sound occurs, or what else is going on around him). His brain has decided that this sound is so closely linked to potential death that it warrants being a global pattern that goes off at the slightest provocation.

By using hypnosis we can turn this global pattern back into a contextualized one and stop the brain setting off the alarm when hearing a bang. We need the soldier to be able to hear a car backfire as just that.

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